The Ghosts are Rising … We Stand With you Irish Women in Theatre. #WakingTheFeminists

Aideen O’Connor (1913 – 1950)

Aideen O'Connor
Aideen O’Connor

Frolie Mulhern (1907 – 1939)

Frolie Mulhern
Frolie Mulhern

Ria Mooney (1903 – 1973) 

Portrait of Ria Mooney (1943) that is kept backstage at The Abbey
Portrait of Ria Mooney (1943) that is kept backstage at The Abbey

May Craig (1889 – 1972) 

Possible Shakespearean Kings? (L to R) May Craig, Aideen O'Connor, Frolie Mulhern.
(L to R) May Craig, Aideen O’Connor, Frolie Mulhern.

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